- Floyd County High School
- Career Coach
(540)745-9450, ext. 5411
I look forward to meeting with you!!!
What is a "Career Coach"?
In a high school the career coach is a unique resource dedicated to helping students discover and develop plans for their future.
The career coach helps students assess their interests, values, and skills and then identify potential careers which might be a good fit. The career coach can also help students explore those potential careers while in high school through job shadowing or class visits.
The career coach also works with the student to understand what type of education is necessary for a particular career...from Associate's degree to Bachelor's degree to Master's degree or higher. Often the career coach will guide the student in setting "smart" goals and developing an action plan.
The career coach is equipped to help students and families with college preparation, particularly for students who might be starting at the community college. The career coach can help navigate placement testing, college application, financial aid, scholarship opportunities, and FAFSA completion.
Career/College Exploration:
VA Wizard Career Web-site https://www.vawizard.org/wizard/home
College Exploration and Planning: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/
College Entrance Exams:SAT test registration: https://www.collegeboard.org/
SAT practice web-sitehttps://www.khanacademy.org/sat
ACT test registration: http://www.act.org/
Paying for College:
National Scholarship Web-site http://www.fastweb.com/
Apply for financial aid at: https://fafsa.ed.gov/
Apply for FSA id for financial aid at: https://fsaid.ed.gov/npas/index.htm
New River Community College: www.nr.eduOn-line Application: http://www.nr.edu/admissions/onlineapplication.php
On-line Course Catalog: http://catalog.nr.edu/
Academic Calendar: http://www.nr.edu/students/academic_calendar.php
Career/Job Helpful Links: